Abou Dosso
Ambassadeur de la Côte d’Ivoire près le Royaume de Belgique, le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg et l’Union Européenne
Adelaide Cracco
Head of Greentech Investments, European Investment Fund (EIF)
Adriana Opromolla
Advocacy lead at Alliance2015 Hub
Alan Matthews
Trinity College Dublin
Alba Gil
European Public Health Alliance (EPHA)
Alberta Congeduti
Ecosistemi foundation
Alex Holst
Senior Policy Manager, Good Food Institute
Alexander Beck
Managing Board Member, Association of Organic Food Processors
Alexandra Nikolakopoulou
European Commission – Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) – Farm to Fork Strategy unit
Alisée Voisin
Local manager Mermoz school area
Almudena Garcia Sastre
FIAN Belgium
Amalia Ochoa
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability
Ana Granados Chapatte
vice-president Animal Task Force, EFFAB Director – Secretary General FABRE TP
Ana Islas Ramos
FAO Nutrition Office
Andrea Alfieri
European Commission – DG for International Partnerships
Andreas Thurner
member of the European and Social Committee (EESC)
Angèle Liaigre
Cities Northern Netherlands EU Office, European Regions, Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN)
Ann Braekevelt
OVAM (Public Waste Agency of Flanders)
Anna Handschuh
Future Affairs
Anna Verhoeve
Researcher at ILVO
Anniek de Ruijter
Professor of Health Law & Policy, Director Law Centre for Health and Life – LCHL, Director Amsterdam Law Practice - ALP
Anton Delbarre
Chief Economist, EuroCommerce
Antonie Fountain
Voice Network
Astrid Van Parys
Colruyt Group
Barbara Creemers
federaal parlementslid, Groen
Bart Van Droogenbroeck
ILVO (Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food)
Bartosz Zambrzycki
European Commission – Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE)
Bibi Giyose
Head of nutrition at AUDA-NEPAD (African Union Development Agency)
Bitange Ndemo
Kenya's Ambassador to Belgium & EU and Professor of Entrepreneurship
Brigitte Misonne
European Commission – Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
Camille Perrin
Senior Food Policy Officer & Team Leader, BEUC
Carl Lachat
University of Ghent
Carlos Gonçalo das Neves
Chief Scientist, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
Caroline Amrom
Sytra – Transformation of Food Systems
Caroline Costongs
Caroline Garvan
Senior Superintending Veterinary Inspector, Ireland
Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle
DG Agriculture and Rural Development
Catherine Malingreau
Wagralim (Walloon agri-food cluster)
Cecilia McAleavey
Director of Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs, Oatly
Charles Snoeck
IDH Sustainable Trade
Christian Jonet
Liège Foodbelt
Claire Bury
European Commission – Deputy Director-General, European Commission - DG SANTE
Claudia Paltrinieri
Food Insider (Italy)
Coline Questiaux
Good Food Brussels
Cortney Price
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Daisy Schellinck
City of Ghent
Daniel Adeniyi
Daniela Lüth
Policy Officer, European Commission - DG Research & Innovation (RTD)
David Dessers
Deputy Mayor of Agriculture & Consumption, Climate & Sustainability and Mobility, City of Leuven
Derk Loorbach
DRIFT (research institute in the field of sustainability transitions)
Dirk Carrez
Biobased Industries Consortium
Dirk Jacobs
Director General, FoodDrinkEurope
Dirk Van Gijseghem
Head of Division of Rural Development, Flemish Land Agency
Edith Feskens
Wageningen University & Research (WUR)
Elena Ambühl
Agroecology Europe
Elfriede Anthonissen
Elisa Porreca
Food Policy Officer, City of Milan
Elisabeth Hidén
Vice president of European Council for Young Farmers (CEJA) and dairy farmer
Ellen Fierens
Flanders Food (spearhead cluster and innovation platform for the Flemish agri-food industry)
Els Bedert
Els Van Pamel
Researcher, ILVO
Emilie Haspeslagh
Director sustainability, Ardo
Emma Calvert
Senior Food Policy Officer, BEUC, the European Consumer’s Organisation
Emma Finnamore
Revolve Media-Pathways project
Eric De Coninck
Arcelor Mittal
Erik Mathijs
KU Leuven
Esben Sverdurp Jensen
European Association of Fish Producers Organisations (EAPO)
Eva Blaho
Truly Healthy School Program Slovakia
Evelien Decuypere
Policy advisor, Government of Flanders – Agency for Agriculture and Sea Fisheries
Fabien Santini
Acting Head of Unit at the Unit E1 “Governance of the agri-food markets”, European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development
Fabrice DeClerck
Director of Science, EAT
Fabrizio Fabbri
Food & Sustainability Policy Manager at EuroCoop
Geert Maesmans
Geneviève Pons
Director General of Europe Jacques Delors
Geoff Perrott
Arla Foods
Giacomo Mattinò
Head of Food, Retail and Health Unit, European Commission
Giulia Meloni
European Commission – Directorate-General for Research & Innovation (RDI)
Greet Ruysschaert
Senior Researcher soil management, ILVO
Hannah Nohlen
Behavioural Scientist, EU Policy Lab: Foresight, Design and Behavioural Insights, Joint Research Center, European Commission
Hans Polet
Harry Dalton
Generation Climate Europe
Hein Imberechts
Scientific Support Advisor & Biosafety Officer, Sciensano
Hermes Sanctorum
Hilde Crevits
Flemish Minister for Welfare, Public Health and Family
Imca Sampers
University of Ghent
Inge Arents
Managing Director, Flanders’ Food
Ingrid Pauwels
Voedsel Anders (Flemish network for agroecology)
Jennifer Nold
De Witte Beek (organic farmer in Flanders)
Jo Brouns
Flemish Minister for Economy, Innovation, Work, Social Economy and Agriculture
Jo Mons
Odisee, University of Applied Sciences
Johan Hanssens
Secretary-General of Department of Economy, Science and Innovation, Government of Flanders
Johannette Klapwijk
Former council member at IBMA (International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association) and General manager at Koppert Foundation
John Bell
European Commission –DG Research and Innovation
Joke Schauvliege
Member of the European Committee of the Regions and Flemish Parliament
Jolien Plaete
Vlaams Instituut Gezond Leven vzw (Flanders Institute for Healthy Living)
Julia Haas
City of Vienna
Karen Janssens
Colruyt Group
Katharina Beelen
Kim Doan Ngoc
Odisee, University of Applied Sciences
Klaus Berend
Director for Food Safety, Sustainability and Innovation, European Commission - Directorate-General for Health and Food (DG SANTE)
Koen Carels
Secretary, Strategic Advisory Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (SALV)
Koen Dekeyser
European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)
Koen Dillen
Head of Unit E.4, European Commission – DG Agriculture and Rural Development
Kris Heirbaut
Kris Roels
Agency for Agriculture and Fisheries
Kristof Rubens
Policy advisor, Flemish Department of Environment & Spatial Development
Léna Girard
Manager Agriculture & Economic Affairs, FoodDrinkEurope
Liesbeth Van Meulder
inclusive business officer cocoa and coffee, Rikolto
Lieven Van Waes
Belgian Presidency representative
Lode Ceyssens
President Boerenbond (Belgian Farmers Union), member of Copa-Cogeca
Loes Neven
Innovation manager – senior expert nutrition, Flanders Institute for Healthy Living
Lore Sleeckx
Student, Scholierenkoepel Belgium
Luc De Vuyst
Luis Vivas-Alegre
European Commission – Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
Luisella Ciani
European Food Forum
Maira Dzelzkaleja Burmistre
Deputy Board Chairman, Latvian Farmers Parliament (Copa-Cogeca)
Marie-Elisabeth Rusling
Head of Public Affairs, EIT Food
Marijke Van Moorhem
Odisee, University of Applied Sciences
Marja-Liisa Meurice
EIT Food Leader of the Protein Diversification Think Tank
Marloes Kraan
Wageningen University & Research
Michiel de Ruiter
Chairman Supervisory Board, EIT Food
Monica Garcia Fernandez
Deputy Director of Public Affairs, Vall Companys Group
Muriel Dewilde
Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant
Nele Ameloot
Nele Lauwers
Boerenbond (Belgian Farmers’ Union)
Noémi Van Bogaert
Scientific advisor fvp house - the umbrella organisation of the Belgian potato, fruit and vegetable wholesale trade and processing industry
Olivier Mora
INRAE (Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement)
Orsolya Diófási-Kovács
Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungary)
Pasquale DI RUBBO
Team Leader - DG Agriculture and Rural Development - Unit on Policy Perspectives - European Commission
Patricia De Clercq
Administrator-General of the Agency of Agriculture and Fisheries, Government of Flanders
Patrick ten Brink
Secretary General, European Environmental Bureau (EEB)
Pawel Kaczmarek
Board member and farmer, Foundation Terra Nostra
Peter Defranceschi
Peter Schmidt
European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
Peter Sousa Hoejskov
Technical Officer - Food Safety & Zoonotic Diseases, WHO Regional Office for Europe
Pieter De Graef
Strategic Advisory Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (SALV)
Pieter Verhelst
Piroska Kallay
European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
Raschad Al Khafaji
Director of FAO Liaison Office Brussels (FAOLOB)
Rebeca Fernández
Robbert Boudewijns
Research Manager, Leuven One Health – the KU Leuven One Health institute and Kira Fortune, Regional Advisor, Division of Communicable Diseases and Environmental Health, WHO Regional Office for Europe
Ruben Savels
Universiteit Gent
Sarah Meys
Children's Rights Commission Belgium
Sascha Gell
MCI Internationale Hochschule GmbH, Center for Social & Health Innovation, Innsbruck
Sergi Corbalan
Advisor on International trade for the Greens/EFA
Simon Kraemer
farmer and representative at European Alliance of Regenerative Agriculture
Simone Eijsink
Government of the Netherlands – Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality
Stefaan Deraeve
Executive chairman, La Vie Est Belle
Stefan Iszkowski
European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Team Leader European Child Guarantee
Stefanie Vandevijvere
Stefanos Fotiou
Director in the Office of Sustainable Development Goals in FAO and Head of the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub
Stuart Reigeluth
Revolve Media-Pathways project
Tamara Bruning
City of Ghent (Belgium)
Tara Grauwet
KU Leuven
Thord Monsen
Norwegian Fisheries Management
Tijs Boelens
Farmer and member of Via Campesina
Tim Lang
City University London's Centre for Food Policy
Tim Smits
KU Leuven
Timothy Searchinger
Princeton University
Tine Heyse
Deputy Mayor for Climate, Environment and Housing, City of Ghent
Tomaso Ferrando
Professor, University of Antwerp
Vincent Demaison
Dordogne Department (France)
Vincent Thoen
Public Affairs manager, Delhaize
Will van den Tweel
Those Vegan Cowboys and Food Fermentation Europe
Wouter Nachtergaele
Head of Division of Flanders Chancellery and Foreign Office, Government of Flanders
Zoe Heuschkel
German Network of Food Policy Councils